Andreas Krämer has been working for many years with experienced, renowned specialists for hair transplants(Follicular Unit Extraction = FUE hair transplantation as well as Follicular Unit Transplantation = strip hair transplantation). Furthermore, in the course of an HFL clarification, you may also assume that further recommendable addresses of renowned specialists for hair transplantations are available to you at any time, for which Hair4life can particularly speak out. This is due to the extremely constructive, common basis which I have been able to create as a freelance consultant with experienced hair experts practising worldwide. This briefly and in advance as background, because in the following it is a great concern to me to clear up some misunderstandings, which apparently arise again and again due to missing information or wrong interpretations.
In the course of the possibilities offered by the internet today, hair loss sufferers in Germany choose the medium hair transplant forum primarily for research – also in preparation for their own hair transplant. In the forum, you can obtain information on hair, hereditary hair loss (genetic alopecia) and hair transplants, read case documentation, view the results of various providers and exchange opinions with like-minded people in topic-related forums in order to obtain views on your own situation. Very well-frequented internet forums serve a wide variety of factors at the same time, so that one can get help here with almost any concern about a hair transplant.
Internet forums are therefore definitely worth recommending and are a very good source of information that should not be missed out under any circumstances!
However, impressions quickly arise that manifest themselves through statements by private individuals who are not professionally qualified, which under certain circumstances can also have a negative effect in the decision-making process.
Hair Transplant Forum: Possible influence by snapshots
Here a problem arises which is actually based on good views (assistance), but then quickly becomes a self-runner in a certain direction due to the presence of the current forum users. The unthinking newcomer to a forum does not immediately recognise whether the advised tips and recommendations come from an experienced background; far too gullible and heedless, trust is placed in them because through this exchange one can save oneself supposedly professional advice and a further expenditure of time. From the point of view of the person concerned, the advantage is certainly the only one to be seen at first, but viewed as a whole, he exposes himself to a momentary opinion that neither illuminates other possibilities nor the risks in an expert manner. I would like to discuss this in more detail and by way of explanation in the following:
Forming opinions in forums with a matter-of-fact approach
It is particularly difficult to research in a psychologically difficult situation, such as hair loss (alopecia) and the urgent search for a cure, in a balanced and emotional way. Furthermore, in internet forums for hair loss and hair transplantation, it is unfortunately far too rare to find fully documented cases from private users, which would provide exact information about the course and the final result of operations with FUE or FUT hair transplants. For example, one may read about an initially unsatisfactory course after a hair transplantation, although it was only a case of delayed regrowth, but this was no longer published and the nevertheless good result unfortunately remains hidden from the reader. The result: a negative opinion about the clinic is created and newcomers are made uncertain because they use this information as a basis for selecting a provider for their own surgery. At this point, a forum misses its purpose, which was actually intended to be helpful, because unfortunately one does not find out what happened afterwards:
- What is the final result of the hair transplant after the end of the regrowth phase (after approx. 12 months from the date of the surgery)?
- Exactly how many grafts/hair have grown 12 months after?
- Are all grafts growing in the correct direction after transplantation?
- Is the hairline natural and not recognisable by anyone as a hair transplant, or does the hairline consist of thick unnatural looking grafts/multiple FU’s?
- Has any hair in the donor area been damaged during FUE or FUT strip removal?
- Was the donor area overharvested during FUE (too many grafts were taken in percentage), which can be seen again and again after hair transplantations performed by low-cost providers in Istanbul, Turkey (read our article: FUE hair transplant Turkey Istanbul and destroyed hair crown with moth-eaten look, or hair transplant abroad and in overseas)
- Did the result of the hair transplantation possibly give cause for a follow-up treatment (repair surgery)?
- In case of a repair transplantation: Could the follow-up treatment with another transplantation lead to a satisfactory final result/outcome?
- Does the provider in question (doctor – clinic) make a recommendation regarding his goodwill attitude?
Unfortunately, important information is often missing that could provide future clients with important and often decisive information. Case documentation can only be really helpful if it is always updated and completed. Furthermore, hair transplant providers should be given a fair opportunity to provide a real, truthful and fully documented presentation. However, this tends to be falsified and may create falsely negative impressions if the subsequent process is not documented. The reputation of renowned, globally respected and experienced hair transplant specialists can be significantly damaged as a result, which is of no benefit to any of the parties involved (clinic/doctor and future patient).
Despite the best research and hair transplant forum: Existing residual risks and no guarantee of success in medical treatments of any speciality
The title basically already describes it very precisely: Even if one assumes, supposedly and according to logic, that surgeons are also subject to liability with regard to the success of an operation, this is not the case. On closer inspection, one quickly realises that this is not even possible, since far too many factors can influence the success of a medical surgery that lie outside the performance of the doctor. Doctors are obliged to treat to the best of their knowledge and with specialized training, and every patient can demand this in case of doubts. However, even the most renowned specialist cannot give a guarantee for the success of a hair transplant – no matter which treatment or which intervention is the basis.
The broad field of medicine today is supported by many high-tech devices, yet all diagnostics and treatment are based on the expertise of the respective surgeons performing the procedure. But where people work, even under the very best conditions, errors can never be completely ruled out. Treatment to the best of one’s knowledge and belief is what those being treated are entitled to expect, and this is how care is also protected by law. However, there can never be any guarantees, as treatments are subject to the physical condition and systemic processes of each patient. But even on the medical side, errors can never be completely ruled out. This can affect doctors as well as any other profession, because even experienced doctors and specialists in their field can be influenced in their daily form under certain circumstances. Those who have been working continuously for many years in the medical field or, for example, as a renowned FUE or FUT hair surgeon, can usually compensate for a bad day with a less than optimal state of health elsewhere, so that the professional activity does not have a negative influence. In addition, other circumstances can also lead to losses in daily routines:
- Personnel restructuring can briefly affect a previously well-established team in terms of professional routine
- A sudden shortage of staff due to a high level of illness can have a temporary negative effect
- New hair transplantation techniques and/or treatment procedures may initially bring a certain amount of unrest into accustomed procedures
- If you are always updating to the latest standard, you are also exposed to innovations that come along with it. However, even supposedly hopeful new procedures or techniques may not yet prove to be fully developed, so that expectations cannot always be completely fulfilled during this phase
This and other things can theoretically occur anywhere and, despite best efforts, lead to an operation or the regrowth period not taking the desired course. This can affect all kinds of medical practices, but patients usually assess the overall picture and therefore tolerantly overlook snapshots under special circumstances. However, if it is a renowned specialist, globalisation quickly takes place and every bottleneck, no matter how small and temporary, mutates into an indication of a fundamental lack of required skills.
Those who can count themselves among the world-renowned, recommended and extremely accomplished hair surgeons can prove a professional career that has been rewarded with renown and an excellent reputation through years of experience and hard work. Professional success is not conjured out of a hat; rather, for most excellent hair surgeons, serious and high-quality hair transplantation is a calling and a matter of the heart. A place among the world’s most recognised experts in this professional field is therefore more than deserved. It is therefore understandable that the quality of the services provided by these experts does not stand or fall with the seasons, so one can assume a solid consistency, even if there is once a rather unsatisfactory result that should be publicly documented. To treat an experienced hair transplant specialist unfairly because of this and possibly to deny their abilities does not use a loud attitude, because what is moreover often neglected to mention: A considerable number of previous and successful cases have not been published at all and therefore unfortunately cannot contribute to the assessment, but confirm the consistently highly qualified performance and skills.
Risk of reality distortion in a hair transplant forum: Important details may remain under seal
As modern, comfortable and informative as the internet can be: Representations via a forum may distort the facts of reality. Many details remain unmentioned in a forum for hair transplantation under seal, others cannot be disclosed publicly due to applicable laws (e.g. copyright and data protection). Clinics, which are very busy, usually have a busy day and little time budget is left for the care of public presentation. If an initially unsatisfactory case is reported, the doctors carrying it out would theoretically have to intervene, clarify what actually happened and give full details of how the case ultimately developed after the end of the regrowth period. For time reasons, however, this can hardly be done in practice.
Open cases, however, leave a lot of room for speculation, which cannot be helpful to any of the parties involved. At the same time, “fair play” is indispensable so that patients and doctors can obtain and maintain a basis of trust around the hair transplant. If, for example, a dissatisfied patient receives a free repair operation or another amicable solution in the course of a doctor’s goodwill attitude, then this also invests trust in the patient. Individual agreements therefore have no place on the internet or in public, because customer behaviour in particular is in most cases decisive for the degree of goodwill that can be shown. Fair behaviour from both sides is usually a guarantee for joint solutions and optimisations.
What does this mean for you as a future hair transplant patient in a Hair4life consultation by Andreas Krämer?
As already mentioned, you benefit from excellent cooperations with leading FUE and FUT hair surgeons. Therefore, you can always assume a healthy basis for your hair transplantation. And to give it away straight away: If you are interested in a consultation with Andreas Krämer, you will only receive recommendations for reputable, renowned hair surgeons/clinics; Hairforlife does not cooperate with any dubious providers!
However, it should also be noted with regard to first-class addresses: Development naturally progresses, so from time to time there are also changes or restructurings at renowned doctors and clinics in the course of constant adaptation to the most modern techniques and procedure possibilities. Current findings are introduced and temporarily influence previously routine processes, and a certain amount of initial training is required, for example, when new technical equipment is introduced. Occasionally, a sickness-related shortage or a fundamental change in the team members can also influence the familiar work processes, but this can usually be absorbed by the patients unnoticed and professionally. Hair4life is, however, always keen to be informed about the latest circumstances, which is why doctor/clinic visits take place on a continuous basis: To check the usual high level of quality, to learn about new, promising objectives and to take away the certainty that future customers will also enjoy a high standard of quality features, the correctness of which is not based on hearsay, but on Hairforlife’s own quality management.
Furthermore, it is of great concern to me to be able to take away possible uncertainties before a consultation. In doing so, I would like to refer to some information that can be read from time to time on the internet about consultations at clinics and doctors. Of course, every doctor/clinic would like to bind patients to their own institution, a practice/clinic is, from a purely formal point of view, nothing other than a business enterprise.
You really do not need to worry about these concerns if you would like to take advantage of an online consultation by Andreas Krämer. Due to the variety of cooperations for first-class hair transplantation, you will always have a choice. In addition, you as a patient have the opportunity to calmly consider and decide how you would like to proceed. And should you change your mind – you are of course free to do so at any time – HFL will be happy to support you in your new considerations and can provide you with further addresses of renowned providers.
Even a doctor who is currently rated best in a forum cannot guarantee the success of the surgery and there are residual risks!
Whichever hair surgeon you choose, unfortunately no one can give guarantees of a successful operation and there are residual risks, even with the most renowned doctor, or the doctor rated best in the forums, as already explained above. Therefore, it is all the more important not to do one-sided research in advance, but to obtain information that is as extensive and diversified as possible. This should not be based solely on private assessments by internet users, so that no falsified impression is created by incomplete reports, which may not allow a clear view of the real conditions. Hair4Life will also be happy to assist you with this if you wish, because ultimately my only concern is your best possible care, your health and long-term satisfaction.
Reputable hair transplant forum addresses and List: International forums and forums in Western Europe, Germany, France, Spain, Italy
Hair4Life would like to name some reputable and well-frequented forum addresses below. International and English-speaking forums, as well as in Germany, but also in France, Spain, and Italy. Have a look at the list:
List of International forums for hair transplantation:


Hair Transplant Forum Germany

Alopezie.de Hair Loss and Hair Transplant Forum in Germany


