Hair transplantation before and after pictures and videos of successful examples
Doctors and clinics that specialise in hair transplantation and work at a high level should also have good documented before and after cases and results.
When viewing such results, one should pay attention to a few things:
- what is the overall quality of the images?
- what are the lighting conditions?
- are the results shown at the same angle as the before pictures?
- are there close-ups of hairlines (can you see individual hairs, the direction of growth or the design of the new hairline, i.e. has the hairline been set in a natural shape (i.e. rather irregularly and not as if drawn on a ruler)?
Hair transplantation can be used to treat many different hair situations, not only in men (here very often treatment of receding hairline), but also in women (see also hair transplantation for women).
We have many good examples of hair transplants for women and men, results from various specialised and internationally recognised doctors/clinics available and, in addition to the examples below, we will also keep uploading results and videos (before/after) on Instagram, as see below.
Before and after pictures of successful Hair Restoration Surgeries
Example 1: Hair transplant with 3000 grafts in Turkey
Example 1 – 3000 grafts from Hairlineclinic in Ankara Turkey

Example 2: Before and after example of a Crown Hair transplant by Dr. Feriduni in Belgium with 2354 grafts
2354 grafts by Dr. Feriduni Hasselt Belgium

Example 3: receding hairline – result with 2333 grafts from Hairlineclinic in Turkey
2333 grafts from the Hairlineclinic

Example 4: Receding Hairline filling by Dr. Lars Heitmann Switzerland
2400 grafts from Dr. Heitmann Zurich Switzerland

Example 5: Hair transplantation before and after pictures and result of Dr. Michalis Georgiou on Cyprus
2979 grafts from Dr. Georgiou Michalis

Example 6: Before and after pictures and result of a hair transplant with 2500 grafts from the Hairlineclinic in Ankara, Turkey
2500 grafts from the Hairlineclinic

Example 7: Hair transplantation before and after pictures of women Example of Dr. Mwamba in Belgium concerning lowering of a high forehead
2744 grafts by Dr. Patrick Mwamba

Example 8: Male receding hairline Hair Restoration by Dr. Feriduni in Belgium
800 grafts from Hairclinic Dr. Feriduni

Example 9: Before and after comparison – lowering the forehead with a hair transplant in women, by Dr. Feriduni in Belgium
4650 grafts from Hairclinic Feriduni

Example 10: Result pictures of a hair Restoration for woman by Dr. Heitmann from Switzerland, Zurich
2500 grafts from Dr. Lars Heitmann

Example 11: Man with a FUE Hair transplant with 4100 grafts from Hairlineclinic in Turkey
4100 grafts from Hairlineclinic

Example 12: Filling the receding hairline in men with a hair transplant by Dr. Heitmann
1600 grafts from Dr. Lars Heitmann

Example 13: Before and After Images: 3500 grafts on the complete 1/3 of the head with a FUE Surgery by Dr. Patrick mwamba
3500 grafts from Dr. Mwamba

Example 14: Before and after pictures of a successful hair transplantation with 3600 grafts from Hairlineclinic in Turkey
3600 grafts from Hairlineclinic

Example 15: Thickening and reducing the receding hairline in men, by Dr. Feriduni
1500 grafts from Hairclinic Feriduni

Example 16: Hair transplantation in Turkey with 3700 grafts to the complete 1/3
3700 grafts from Hairlineclinic
Example 17: Crown grafting by Dr. Michalis in Cyprus
3058 grafts from Dr. Georgiou Michalis

Example 18: Result pictures of a hairline lowering procedure
2860 grafts from Hairclinic Feriduni

Example 19: Result pictures of a hairline surgery in the front by Dr. Heitmann
2000 grafts from Dr. Lars Heitmann

Before and after videos of successful hair transplantation
Example 1: Before and after video with 2185 grafts in the receding hairline with FUE by Dr. Heitmann
2185 grafts from the German doctor Dr. Heitmann Zurich Switzerland
Example 2: Result video of a successful hair transplantation in the hairline, receding hairline and temples by Dr. Feriduni in Belgium
1938 grafts by German doctor Dr. Feriduni Hasselt Belgium
Example 3: 3800 grafts in Turkey
3800 grafts from Hairlineclinic in Ankara Turkey
Example 4: Result video of a successful hair transplant by Dr. Michalis in Cyprus with 2340 grafts
2340 grafts from Dr. Georgiou Michalis in Nicosia, Cyprus
Example 5: Before and after comparison video of a successful hair Restoration Surgery with 4316 grafts at Hattingenhair in Switzerland
4316 grafts Hattingenhair in Schaffhausen Switzerland
Example 6: Example of a Mega Session with FUT – strip hair transplantation at Hattingenhair Switzerland
4894 grafts from
Example 7: Pictures of an FUT hair transplant to the 1/3 from Hattingenhair Switzerland
3500 grafts from
See more hair transplant results for men and women on Instagram
Follow Hairforlife on Instagram Hair4life_haartransplantation to see more men’s and women’s hair transplant results!
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