Hairforlife and Andreas Krämer regularly find mention in various media formats in Germany and Switzerland.

Gesundheitstipp is an independent health magazine and the No. 1 subscribed health magazine in Switzerland. In the article “Hairy dealings with vanity”, issue 2 (February 2022), Andreas Krämer is interviewed by journalist Peter Gossweiler on the subject of hair transplantation. Excerpt:
Andreas Krämer, head of the Hair for Life consultation centre in Kreuzlingen TG, also says: “We regularly receive reports from dissatisfied patients”. Hair transplantation is not as easy as clinics make it out to be, says Krämer. A doctor needs a lot of time to master the technique. In addition, it is often not doctors who transplant the hair, but assistants without medical training (“Saldo” 4/2019). For those interested, click here for the complete article:
Hairforlife source recommendation on Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen on 20.11.2019 – “Hair transplantation: Is the procedure worth the risk?”
Hairforlife was awarded a source recommendation in the above-mentioned contribution of the TV channel Sat.1.
With the cooperation of the Hairforlife cooperation lawyer Mr. Christoph Bomke (specialist lawyer for medical law) from Berlin and the well-known Hairforlife cooperation doctor Dr. Lars Heitmann (Zurich/Switzerland), Hairforlife was named as a source for the topic “Unsuccessful hair transplantation”. Lawyer Bomke also presented two patient cases of botched hair transplantation presented on Hairforlife (which had to be corrected by Hairforlife cooperation doctors), in which compensation could be obtained (see also “Botched hair transplantation and legal help”).
See the complete video below, or visit
Hairforlife Andreas Krämer in the media in Asia, interviewed by The Manila Times, PHILIPPINES
In July 2018, I was invited by the Manila Times to Manila for an interview:
PDF from the Manila Times article
Link to the article on the Manila Times website: “Heades Up: Baldness Is a Thing of the Past “:
Business magazine “The Corporate” Manila, PHILIPPINES
In spring 2018, I was interviewed by the business magazine “The Corporate” in Manila:
PDF of Hairforlife article in “The Corporate”
Hairforlife Andreas Krämer in the business magazine Bilanz IN SWITZERLAND
Hairforlife Andreas Krämer is interviewed by the business magazine in the issue of 17.06.2016 on the subject of beard transplantation. Hairforlife also provided the magazine with significant image material for this issue, so that the planning of a beard hair transplant could be vividly conveyed.
Feel free to download the article: Balance sheet article “Beard made to measure”.
You are also welcome to read the online article from August regarding the trend “Beard hair transplantation” directly on
Manager Magazine – GERMANY
Andreas Krämer from Hairforlife in the german Manager Magazin. Read the excerpt of the article from the print edition of August 2015:
Read also the published online article and part 3 of the article`s “Cosmetic surgery for men – the new world market” by Viola Keeve on:
Der Spiegel/Spiegel online – GERMANY
The news magazine DER SPIEGEL in GERMANY interviews Hairforlife/Andreas Krämer in its 05/2015 issue to provide information about hair transplantation and to shed expert light on many details and backgrounds according to the current state of affairs.
SPIEGEL editor and journalist Katrin Elger accompanied Andreas Krämer during his visit to the new clinic premises of the renowned Hairforlife cooperation partner “Hairline Cinic” – one of the stations of the worldwide Hairforlife clinic tours, which is continuously undertaken within the framework of quality assurance. Since Hairforlife regularly visits all cooperation partners and always keeps an eye on the current status, many details on “hair transplantations in general” could be explained. But also the development of the providers with a location in Turkey was considered in detail and could serve as professionally supported background information in preparation for the SPIEGEL article, because “cheap hair transplants in Turkey” was to be one of the focal points in the article by the editor Katrin Elger.
At this point, I would like to thank Ms Elger again for the extremely pleasant cooperation.
You are also welcome to read the hair transplant article in “DER SPIEGEL”
DIE WELT in Germany (the world’s leading weekly newspaper) focused on the trend of “celebrity hair transplants” and contacted Hairforlife/Andreas Krämer for background information and expert opinions. You can find the report and quotes at
20 Minutes Switzerland
The daily newspaper “20-Minuten”, interviewed Andreas Krämer of Hairforlife on the subject of “Beard transplants in trend”. You can find the report at
20 Minuten report on beard transplantation as PDF
TV report “Every hair counts” television SWR/EinsPlus/Tagesschau 24 in Germany
A TV report of the SWR series “Schlaglicht” by Sabine Harder with the title: “Every hair counts – the fight against hair loss”.
Broadcast on SWR, EinsPlus,Tagesschau24 (digital TV channel of ARD) on 10.09.2013, 17.09.2013
Info: The video is no longer available in the ARD Mediathek. Alternatively, you are welcome to watch the SWR video of Marktcheck, a short report of the Schlaglicht version: To the video
Note: Pictures of Alex L. with the condition 8 months after his FUE hair transplantation with Doctor Lars Heitmann in Switzerland-Zurich and an update of his hair situation in 2018 (and a picture of January 2021) can be found here.
SWR consumer magazine Marktcheck programme from 05 September 2013 – Germany
Note: Pictures of Alex L. with the condition 8 months after his FUE hair transplantation with Doctor Lars Heitmann in Switzerland-Zurich and an update of his hair situation in 2018 (and a picture of January 2021) can be found here.
ZDF “Drehscheibe” Germany 21 August 2012
SFR Pulse 12.12.11 – Switzerland – Swiss Television
In another report, Puls (SFR – Switzerland – Swiss Television) presents the hair transplant result of Marco, who was advised by Andreas Krämer in the Hairforlife office in the report of 17 January 2011(to the video 17.01.11) and was subsequently treated by Doctor Heitmann in Zurich with Follicular Unit Extraction – FUE hair transplantation. Take a look at the results pictures of Marco’s result here.
The picture shows Doctor Heitmann on the left and Andreas Krämer on the right, who made themselves available to Swiss television as live telephone experts:
Tagesschau Switerzland
To the video
Pulse Pulse 17.01.11 Swiss – Switzerland Television
Have a look at the results pictures of Marco’s result here.
Sat 1 – In the evening on 09.11.2006 – Germany
Sat 1 – Das Magazin on 07.11.2007 Germany
SWR TV Reportage Series “betrifft:” Germany
A TV reportage in Germany of the SWR TV series “betrifft:” by Wolfgang Luck “Nur keine Glatze – Was mache ich gegen Haarausfall?”. Broadcast on SWR, 3 Sat and ARD Digital on 21.04.08, 02.12.07, 26.11.07 and 27.11.07
Tele Züri Switzerland “Check Up” 23.01.2012
To the Tele Züri video