The picture above shows Andreas Krämer (left) next to Dr. Bijan Feriduni in the foyer of the “Dr. Feriduni Hair Clinic”
Hairclinic Doctor Feriduni: First-class success and maximum results in hair transplantation
Dr. Bijan Feriduni is a German doctor who has specialised in hair transplantation and has been working successfully since 2000. In the course of this professional career he has already performed more than 5000 first-class hair transplantations. In addition, Dr. Feriduni is one of the few German hair surgeons who are repeatedly mentioned positively in international forums, as many of the former patients report on these portals about their extremely successful hair transplantations.
Further information about Doctor Feriduni:
Hairclinic Doktor Feriduni auf Hairlossexperiences:
Hairclinic Doktor Feriduni auf Hairtransplantnetwork:
Hairclinic Doktor Feriduni auf Youtube:
Andreas Krämer visiting the practice of Dr. Bijan Feriduni in Hasselt / Belgium, near the German border:

Address/Contact Hairclinic Doctor Feriduni
Hairclinic Dr. Feriduni, Prins Bisschopssingel 34/2, 3500 Hasselt / Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)11 299 790 | 0800 92 997 (B) | 00800 60 81 00 77 (F/L/NL/UK)
Fax: +32 (0)11 299 799
Questions about Hairclinic Dr. Feriduni?
Are you interested in a consultation or hair transplant? Would you like comprehensive information? Then please contact Andreas Krämer from Hairforlife via the contact form.