In addition to the Hairforlife doctors and clinics, whom you already know from this website or from personal consultations, whom I value as extremely competent cooperation partners and can recommend to you at any time as practitioners for your hair transplantation, Hairforlife was able to win another excellent and internationally recognised hair surgeon for cooperation with Hairforlife.
In 2005 I already got to know Dr. Michalis Georgiou in the course of a visit, at that time he was practising as a hair surgeon in the team of a clinic in Cyprus. Today, however, Dr. Georgiou runs the MHRC Clinic (Michalis Hair Restoration Clinic) in the Greek part of Nicosia, the capital of Northern Cyprus, as the head hair surgeon.
Dr Georgiou has been performing hair transplants since 2002, successfully using the modern FUE method since 2003. He enjoyed a large part of his training with the US doctor Dr. John Peter Cole from Atlanta, who is considered one of the most experienced hair surgeons in the USA and is recognised worldwide. In the meantime, Dr. Georgiou has distinguished himself for more than 10 years with a multitude of successful hair transplant results and is himself regarded as a recognised, renowned and experienced practitioner.
With the memory of the meeting at that time and the excellent professional career of the hair surgeon Dr. Georgiou in mind, I am particularly pleased today to have gained an extremely competent cooperation partner for Hairforlife in this doctor and to be able to present him to you now.

With great attention to the technique of FUE hair transplantation, Dr. Michalis Georgiou, MHRC Clinic, offers the following services in total:
The cost of an FUE hair transplant with Dr. Michalis in Nicosia, Cyprus with manual extraction – from 1,50 Euro per Graft
The prices at Dr. Michalis in Nicosia Cyprus (Greek part):
Over 2000 grafts:
2,00 Euro per graft and with permission pictures without face 1,50 Euro per graft (manual FUE). Already included are the costs for flight (400 Euro), hotel and transfers (airport, hotel, clinic etc.).
Under 2000 grafts:
2,00 Euro per graft and with permission pictures without face 1,50 Euro per graft (manual FUE), but NOT including the costs for flight, hotel and transfers (airport, hotel, clinic etc.).
– Note: FUT/Strip is no longer available
Dr. Georgiou also offers FUE treatments in Spain, where the cost is 3.00 euros per graft. The slightly higher price is due to the comparatively higher costs for operating costs (rent, ancillary wage costs, etc.).
Dr. Michalis Georgiou attaches great importance to manual graft removal in FUE treatments, without any use of motor-assisted removal devices (micromotor method).
Dr. Michalis punches/loosens/punches all grafts/FU’s personally! The already loosened grafts/FU’s are then removed by experienced assistants.
He also creates the implantation channels himself and the experienced assistants insert the grafts. Dr. Georgiou does not shave the reception area. Only the hairline is shaved out with the so-called “GJ Cut”.
In addition, scar corrections and, for example, BHT (body hair transplantation) are part of Dr. Michalis Georgiou’s scope of treatment. In this regard, the MHRC clinic in Nicosia can also convince with a wealth of experience and many successful treatments.
Security situation in Nicosia and Cyprus
Although the dangerous situation has unfortunately and apparently almost unpredictably moved to other localities and countries in the meantime, as could be seen from the news, it is of course understandable that in these times the security situation in all the countries affected so far deserves special attention. Therefore, it is important to mention at this point:
Cyprus is considered stable in this respect, as was stated, for example, by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in July 2016 at
It might also be possible to combine the treatment with a relaxing holiday on one of Cyprus’ dream beaches, which would be a good idea in view of the clinic’s advantageous location in the Greek part of Cyprus/Nicosia.
The picture below shows Andreas Krämer in the middle, during an surgery by Dr Georgious Michalis, on the right:

Contact/Address Dr. Michalis Geogious Cyprus
Dr. Michalis Georgiou, 57, Kennedy Avenue, 4th Floor, Zip Code 1076, Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: (00357) 22-494929 & (00357) 22-494923